
Feminist (noun.)

A person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes

– Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (… and as quoted by Beyoncé !)

Feminism is the assertion that women deserve equal rights and opportunities to men. FemCo was started because we wanted to spread awareness about gender inequality. On top of that, we didn’t want feminism to be a distant, abstract concept. We wanted it to mean more to us than a chapter title in our textbooks or a theme in the news. We wanted to explore how it related to our daily lives. We wanted to encourage others to take pride in calling themselves feminists.

Our college has a proud history of involvement with the feminist movement in Australia. As young women we live on the front line of gender inequality. We can defend one another, and further that tradition of advancement . If we can observe how gender politics operate in our relationships, if we can be a source of information and support for one another, then we are one step closer to making the changes we want to see in our world.

FemCo operates primarily as a discussion group, both over Facebook and in organised group discussions. More often than not, we passionately disagree. You may have a lot to say or you may just want to watch from the sidelines. Absolutely everyone is welcome to participate.


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